The Group has diversified its focus on affordable housing and has successfully launched a 100 acre integrated residential township called “Temple Green” in the automobile hub of Oragadam, Chennai. A CBSE school PS Temple Green Vidyashram is already operational inside the Township . It is also loaded with a world of amenities like a CBSE School, Club House including Swimming pool, Tennis court, Commercial Plaza comprising Super Market, Restaurant, Bank/ATM, Polyclinic & Pharmacy, Gym etc., which are already operational. The budget range starts from Rs 23 lacs to 75 lacs.
Temple Green Heights: the 18 level high-rise apartments are loaded with many exciting amenities including a shopping arcade, CBSE school, landscaped gardens, swimming pool, gym, community hall and a host of other recreational facilities for a happy and a hassle-free living.
Temple Green Town Houses :TOWN HOUSE @ TEMPLE GREEN is a cluster of exquisitely crafted homes in a two storeyed structure. These houses are attached to similar units in a row sharing a common wall. The Town House comes with the absolute ownership of the land beneath each unit and are part of a gated community. Each house has a private garden in the backyard with a dedicated car porch at the entrance with an independent access.